Chapter 850- Ending in one move
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 850- Ending in one move

Hong Xiang didn’t notice that Ye Zhongming was wearing gloves.

This was what he stole from An Man.

The silver gloves were now green grade. Ye Zhongming modified them. But in front of the blue Sand Dance, the gloves weren’t so apparent.

But Ye Zhongming was able to use a skill because of these gloves!

Cloud Slice!

The job Thousand Body Blade Saint’s job skill!

Through the gloves, he could launch many dots or lines that could combine to form a terrifying attack.

Ye Zhongming used many specks of light.

Hong Xiang was too close and had entered Ye Zhongming’s range. Jumping Gravity and the Earth Set caused him to suffer from many times of gravity. His speed, which he was proud of, was greatly restricted.

Star Shattering Cloud Breaking was built on speed. Using speed to form energy to attack. If you lost the speed, the strength of the attack would significantly reduce.

Ye Zhongming raised his blade. Sand Dance and the silver bone blade clashed. Blue and silver were totally different. With a clang, the silver bone blade broke.

The specks of light smashed into Hong Xiang’s body.

This battle style was something Hong Xiang had never been through before.

Only legendary experts who reached level nine could have something called a domain that could reduce the effects of attacks in the domain.

But Ye Zhongming wasn’t level nine. He was only a level seven warrior, so why did he have such a thing?

Hong Xiang couldn’t understand.

Those specks of light that exploded from his hands also hit his body.

He didn’t think about dodging. He noticed them the moment the specks of light exploded. He could dodge most of them if he wanted to, even if he got hit by some of them.

The specks of light weren’t so quick, but he didn’t think they could damage him much. Even if they hurt him, he felt he could take them. He could also use this chance to slice Ye Zhongming’s head.

This was his plan.

But when the first speck hit him, his expression changed. His body fell backward, and his hands covered his face and important areas.


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