Chapter 851- What to do with the prisoners
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 851- What to do with the prisoners

The entire mountain was filled with happiness.

One could hear laughter and joy that had disappeared since winter began.

Ye Zhongming sat in the middle and looked at the sizzling barbecued beast meat in the bonfire ahead.

Even if he had revived and gotten used to life and death, the feeling of people forgetting about the deaths that happened a few hours ago made him uncomfortable.

He wasn’t a saint; he just had a new understanding of the Posthumous people. People who had lived in such despair would treat death so lightly. On Earth, even if ten years had passed, one could be cold, but one wouldn’t be as uncaring as those in the Secret Realm.

Miya saw that Ye Zhongming wasn’t too happy and was worried about him. She thought he had been injured in the battle but didn’t know how to console him. She held his arm tightly and placed it on her big chest.

Miya missed him so badly during this period, especially the few days when the Imperial City army attacked. Ye Zhongming was in her mind every moment. She even thought that she would never see him again.

Fortunately, the heavens were good to her, and he returned to her side. She was satisfied. She didn't care whether she remained in the Secret Realm or headed to the other world. She didn’t mind dying, either.

Posthumous race women were like that; the guys were the most important!

But Miya’s actions angered Liang Chuyin.

Liang Chuyin had told her about Miya and even told her how he got stronger after doing those things with her. Liang Chuyin could accept it, but seeing Miya being so clingy, she couldn’t help but feel jealous.

Ye Zhongming had three girls by his side. They were killers, be it Xia Lei, Liang Chuyin, or Xia Bai. Their personalities were decisive and vicious. But when they were with Ye Zhongming, they would be very gentle. However, they weren’t like Miya, who always seemed gentle and weak.

It seemed like guys liked such girls, which made Liang Chuyin feel a sense of danger.

She could accept Xia Lei and Xia Bai, and she could even accept Mo Ye and Par

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