Chapter 844- Empty joy
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 844- Empty joy

Ye Zhongming was stunned when he saw the equipment.

Because… it was a blue piece of equipment!

Ye Zhongming heard his heart beating quickly.

Could pieces of equipment reach blue grade after he used his seal, along with Fertile Soil, Ghost Metal, and Drill Ocean Metal?

Ye Zhongming was already happy that he could craft green equipment. Could he use the seal to increase that level?

Ye Zhongming was excited. He didn’t even look at the stats before starting another round of crafting. He wanted to see if it was true.

He used the Mountain seal again, which was still a 60% success rate. He managed to craft another gem blue colored armor.


It wasn’t blue grade.

He scratched his head and didn’t know what was happening.

Was there a hidden success rate?

Green and blue were different grades, but the stats and abilities differed significantly. They used the same materials and methods but ended up at different levels. Anyone would want the better one. However, Ye Zhongming didn’t know what the difference was.

He crafted another five times. He failed three times and succeeded twice. These two times were both green grade.

Ye Zhongming wanted to continue testing, but his luck today wasn’t good, and he failed more times. The waste of Fertile Soil and Ghost Metal also hurt his heart.

Although the Chain Prisoner had Ghost Metal and the little fellow could produce Fertile Soil, he had to fight a super-level eight lifeform to get the former. Ye Zhongming didn’t dare lead people to hunt the Chain Prisoner, as that fellow was too strong. So, he wouldn’t be able to get more Ghost Metal quickly.

The latter also needed him to feed the little fellow, and the things he had to eat were also great. Moreover, Ye Zhongming was not sure how long it would take before it needed him to give it more energy. At least until now, it hadn’t asked Ye Zhongming for food.

Thus, the replenishment of the Fertile Soil wouldn’t be too quick. Each time, the amount he used wasn’t little either. So, no matter the color, he couldn’t get more quick

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