Chapter 843- Seal on the armor
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 843- Seal on the armor

Ye Zhongming had previously crafted green weapons like the Thousand Leaf Phosphor Armor and Sand Dance.

But he had blueprints for them. He followed the materials, amount, crafting time, fire strength, etc. The only role Ye Zhongmin played was to add precious materials like Drill Ocean Metal and Ghost Metal to increase the quality.

But he had never crafted a piece of green equipment on his own.

Even if he used Strengthen to the extreme, he couldn’t avoid rules like color restriction, Blood Crafting advancement, etc.

But things were different with Fertile Soil.

Country products exceeded everyday materials, and they could cause equipment to cross grades.

Of course, Ye Zhongming knew that there would still be restrictions. When you reach a certain level, it would lose that ability.

However, at the current stage, this increase in grade was important for Ye Zhongming. It could allow Cloud Peak’s warriors to have much better equipment than the elite factions on Earth. When their evolution levels were similar, it would give them a strategic advantage. If their evolution levels could increase, this would be a huge advantage.

They might not be invincible then, but Ye Zhongming could clash with anyone.

Even if he had obtained many good things, Fertile Soil was something that impressed him.

Good item! A top item!

Ye Zhongming thought about the Stardust Sand and other country products and felt an itch.

What effects would those things have?

“Earth Containing Armor! Defense 680!”

“Ability 1, double protection. The armor has an inner layer with 30% of the defense of the outer layer. It can slow weapon and skill damage.”

“Ability 2, Sound Recoil. When the armor is attacked, some of the damage is turned into a soundwave and reflected onto the attacker, causing mental energy damage.”

“Ability 3, Firm defense. Active skill. The user can activate it to double the defense and reduce movement speed by half when needed. Cooldown of 500 hours.”

“Ability four, Element Annihilation. When you face an earth skill, damage reduc

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