Chapter 834- Left and right
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 834- Left and right

Right when everyone’s hearts sank, many lasers fired from the sky. They were silent, but they were eye-catching. Instantly, demon monsters had their bodies pierced, and they died instantly.

Many people looked into the sky.

“Exquisite Floating Ball!”

The golden ball belonging to Cloud Peak fired while landing!

“Boss Ye is back!”

People cheered. They were excited as they felt hope.

They wouldn’t think about whether or not Ye Zhongming could lead them out. They only knew that he didn’t abandon them and gave them their only hope.

Cloud Peak and Ying City members were delighted. Since Ye Zhongming was back, it meant many things. Not only that they could survive, but also that their leader might be much stronger.

In that instance, the humans were 20% stronger, and the situation improved.

But they knew that it was just adrenaline. The situation wasn't much different if Ye Zhongming couldn’t save them.

One person couldn’t turn the tides alone unless you were a nine-star evolved.

The Floating Ball descended and smashed into the demon monsters. That giant ball smashed many of them into meat paste.

Then, the gravity increased!

With ten times its body, it spun around. But its defense was reduced by half and became a thousand.

The Exquisite Floating Ball wasn’t light, and not that its weight increased ten times, that was a terrifying number. When it started to roll, many demon monsters tried to dodge. Although their bodies were strong there was a limit. They couldn’t handle tens of thousands of tonnes.

But when they tried dodging, they realized their bodies became heavier.

The earth’s gravity that they were used to had increased.

The increase wasn’t much, but at such a time, it was fatal. That ball wasn’t slow, either.

The Exquisite Floating Ball left a blood path. Earth Elf’s Jumping Gravity activated!

The demon monsters in its path were all affected.

But they were still fierce beings. Many saw that they couldn’t dodge, so they started to attack. Ye Zhongming sat inside and could hear the sounds, which terr

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