Chapter 833- Can we get out?
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 833- Can we get out?

This discovery excited Ye Zhongming for a long time. He thought that he would have to spend the Fertile Soil carefully as he did with the Ghost Metal. Now, it seemed like this thing wouldn't run out as long as he had the Earth Elf.

Of course, you had to use other materials in exchange for Fertile Soil. After the Earth Elf turned food into energy, it would use its skill to form Fertile Soil.

But that was okay. After all, this thing ate everything. Although it ate good stuff, but as compared to Fertile Soil, they weren’t that valuable.

The Earth Elf didn’t give Ye Zhongming an instant increase in combat strength, but it was very useful in the long run. Moreover, you didn’t include the few sealed abilities. If they were all unlocked, one could consider this elf's value.

With this fellow’s help, Ye Zhongming was more confident to save them.

At this point, the battle was brutal. With Cloud Peak as the core, S Zone, T Zone, and Ying City were in a life-and-death battle.

There were too many demon monsters. The moment the Crystal Nest Barrier broke, the demon monsters started to attack from all areas.

They were attacking the humans as if their lives didn’t matter. They tossed the thought of death to the back of their heads.

It was as if humans were their lifelong enemies.

The humans lost their formation, and chaos ensued. Just a few people, a few dozen, etc., covered one another.

Everyone knew that they didn’t have a high chance of surviving today. But before the end, everyone had hope. Maybe they could kill them all? After all, most of the demon monsters went to chase the C Zone squad.

Especially Cloud Peak and Ying City. Even at this time, their faith in Ye Zhongming didn’t waver. They were waiting for him to descend from above and save them.

Everyone was risking their lives, as this was not a battle with a way out. Surrender was not an option. Either they won, or they would die.

Humans fell at every moment, but more demon monsters fell. Each person and faction had a trump card that they used. Even if many w

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