Chapter 832- Earth Elf
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 832- Earth Elf

Ye Zhongming sat in the Exquisite Floating Ball and looked down at the battlefield through the high-tech screens. He frowned.

He had come out from the space a while ago. Although he had some slight excitement from getting the Earth Elf, but the situation forced him to return to the battlefield.

Crystal Nest Barrier had shattered, and the humans were battling the demon monsters.

Ye Zhongming knew that he had to fight. He slapped the son, who was using the small shield as a bed, and the Exquisite Floating Ball descended from the sky.

At the same time, the four pairs of lasers fired.

“When landing, can you increase the gravity below?”

Ye Zhongming looked at the Earth Elf that he had woken and was still in a blur state.

“Oh, understood, father.”

Although he was called that many times, but he was still not used to it.

This little fellow was very smart. After seeing the feed from the video, it sat on the brown shield and then moved towards the body of the ball.

A weird scene occurred. He passed through the ball and got outside!

Ye Zhongming wasn’t shocked at all, as he had seen this before.

After receiving the Earth Elf’s recognition and protection, his abilities appeared in his mind.

“Earth Elf, only controller of the earth element. Current growth stage, birth.”

Ye Zhongming knew he had obtained a great thing in just one sentence.

“Earth Elf ability 1, Jumping Gravity. Earth Elf has the ability to increase and absorb gravity to change the gravity values in a region. The region's size and the change in gravity will depend on the energy consumed.”

“Earth Elf Ability 2, unobstructed. This is the Earth Elf's ability to move between spaces.”

“Earth Elf Ability 3, Black Earth Armor. Elves could enchant a target with Earth armor to increase their defense. Type 1, standard armor, a fixed defense that lasts for one hour. When attacked, the time will reduce. Type 2, special armor. The defense will increase or decrease based on the amount of energy spent. It would last for at most two hours and this time will redu

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