Chapter 831- Father feed me
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 831- Father feed me

Ye Zhongming didn’t piece it together immediately. He walked to the side of the Sailor’s Beautiful Garden.

He was still in a weak state due to this item.

He squatted beside it and looked around. He used a few Smith skills on it.

Maybe because its Master had left the space, so it was being cut off. Ye Zhongming tainted this equipment. After a series of Enchanting and modifications, Ye Zhongming kept the equipment.

A ball of seeds appeared in his hands, and he was surprised.

He had heard of this equipment before, and now that it had become his item, he understood it better.

This equipment could be upgraded and its upgrade method was similar to the Cannibal Flower. You needed mutated lifeform flesh and blood or the master’s essence blood.

Although each level upgrade required a huge amount of energy, Ye Zhongming was still happy. After all, mutated lifeform flesh was easy to obtain compared to upgrade scrolls or unsealing liquid.

He turned the Sailor’s Beautiful Flower Garden into his own item, so naturally, the weakness state was removed. This made him feel much better. That powerless and giddy feeling previously was very uncomfortable.

At the same time, Ye Zhongming also felt the restriction of the space towards energy was gone. He stood up and looked at the monitoring wall. The fertile soil spaces were gone, and this special space had entered its final stage.

He kept the fertile soil left by those from the resistance zone and pulled a few pieces of Holy Army Coat from Jayce’s body. He took An Man’s equipment and gloves and pieced the puzzle together.

A light shone so bright that he couldn’t open his eyes. He raised his arm to block the light in front of him.

But the light didn’t deal much damage to Ye Zhongming. Instead, he felt like something was standing on his shoulder.

This shocked him. His body was much better than before after the Earth equipment buffed him. Not to mention things standing on his shoulder; if someone were within a hundred meters, he would be able to notice it.

But Ye Zhongming did

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