Chapter 829- For victory (1)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 829- For victory (1)

People would forget about the true strength of the Demon Energy Crystal Gun.

Ye Zhongming used it often. But because it was a piece of purple equipment, he mainly used it against strong bosses or evolved lifeforms. So, sometimes, it didn’t feel like it could change the tides of battle.

But what was the true situation? Before Ye Zhongming had the combination of the green sniper rifle and silver bullets, this gun had been his main ranged attack. One could say that it was worthy of being his symbolic weapon.

Even now, if you compared the green sniper rifle and silver bullets, along with the Earth set’s buffs, with this demon energy crystal gun, it was still weaker. Their only advantage would be their range.

For example, if you had a level eight or nine mutated lifeforms opposite you, Sand Dance, the sniper rifle, even the Explosive Mechanic couldn’t directly damage it.

Only the Demon Energy Crystal Gun could.

He didn’t use it previously because he had only used it against the strongest enemies.

But today, when he took the weapon out and fired at an injured seven-star evolved from close range, this meant that they would finally witness how terrifying it was.


Many small lightning covered Jayce who was falling. The sound of metal being ripped could be heard.

At the same time, Jayce cried out for the umpteenth time today.

The huge strength sent Jayce flying. He was like the tennis ball that the strongest tennis player hit. He was aggressive but then faced an even more powerful counterattack. The ball not only didn’t win him the point, it was being smacked back.

Jayce’s golden body was sent flying, and then he smashed into the Tarsal Domain’s barrier.

As Ye Zhongming used the lightning energy to enchant the Demon Energy Crystal Gun, that strike caused Jayce to twitch. His body had marks left from the lightning. Those wings were twisted and bleeding. He didn’t look like a Four-winged Devil but a dove whose wings were broken…

That shot shocked Zuo Jinxuan and Ji Ruiguang.

They didn’t expect Ye Zhongmin

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