Chapter 829.5- For victory (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 829.5- For victory (2)

“I want to gamble.” Ji Ruiguang said softly but firmly, “Gamble that his bullets will run out.”

Zuo Jinxuan was stunned and turned towards Ji Ruiguang.

Although her EQ wasn’t high but her IQ was normal, and it was even higher than most people. She understood what Ji Ruiguang meant immediately. This commander didn’t want to lose.

The situation looked bad for them. Ye Zhongming was firing at them, and this tempo made them crazy.

He looked like he had gained the upper hand and was about to wipe them out.

They were being suppressed and forced to tank bullets they couldn’t dodge. If their defense were broken, they would be killed. Their skills couldn’t be used, and they were just shot to death.

The real situation was that Sailor’s Beautiful Flower Garden was still effective, and Ye Zhongming was still weak. But as long as his finger could still pull the trigger, his ranged attacks wouldn’t be affected.

But he would have to end up in close combat if he couldn't fire. Could he be so strong?

Of course not! He was in a weak state!

What about those in the Resistance Zone? On the contrary, they didn’t have strong ranged skills and were passively defending. And this defense could break at any moment.

But their attacks were buffed by the Beautiful Flower Garden. As long as they got close to Ye Zhongming, they would win.

The problem was that their hope of winning came by getting close to Ye Zhongming.

Could they get close? At least before he used his bullets, they couldn’t.

If they wanted to turn the tides, they had to wait until he used all his bullets!

They didn’t know how many bullets he had. Their defense couldn’t allow them to continue waiting like this.

So what?

A thought flashed in Zuo Jinxuan’s head, and she knew what Ji Ruiguang was thinking.

A chill ran down her spine.

This commander was too vicious! Too extreme.


She felt like he was right.

“If you understand,, then come behind me. I can still hold on for a few more times!”

Ji Ruiguang glanced at Zuo Jinxuan and knew that she understood. So h

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