Chapter 828- Decisive moment
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 828- Decisive moment

The figurine’s body flashed, and it disappeared. When it reappeared, it was beside Ye Zhongming. The giant crescent blade sliced at his body.

As the weapon was too huge and was like a hula-hoop around its body, just looks alone was very threatening. Ye Zhongming had to treat it seriously. He dodged to the side to avoid the giant weapon.

But the figurine disappeared again in the next second, and it was on the other side when it appeared. The giant blade sliced once more.

This was this summoning-type figurine’s specialty: flashing attacks.

Although this wasn’t strictly a flash, as there was a time gap and you could even track it if you were familiar with it, but to evolved that were used to ordinary fights, this was still shocking.

A second ago, the opponent before you now stands behind you. This didn’t feel good for anyone.

The reason why this figurine was famous in his last life was because of this different battle style.

During the third attack, Ye Zhongming used Sand Dance to test the strength of its weapon. Both sides clashed. Sand Dance was fine, but a small chip appeared on the giant blade, but it didn’t affect much.

Ye Zhongming looked at the outcome and knew that it was impossible to slice this weapon using Sand Dance.

Zuo Jinxuan also took the chance to attack. Her soft sword turned into sword shadows that thrust towards him. Her defense was not a problem with the Cloud set, so her attacks were more frenzied. She didn’t defend at all and each move was to trade damage.

Ye Zhongming was actually interested in the Cloud Feather Cloak bloodline. He felt like this job was different. Although it was too one-dimensional, but it was a good job. At the same time, he wondered whether or not his Thousand Seal Slasher was stronger than this bloodline.

If possible, he wanted to test it out.

The gravity field’s disappearance had given these people confidence. Zuo Jinxuan and the figurine started to attack. Jayce lost his right hand, so he didn’t enter the battle center. He just maintained his bloodline transf

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