Chapter 1024- You think too much
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1024- You think too much (Teaser)

“Star Elf hired duration, 15 days.”

“During this hire period, Star Sand production reduced by half.”

15 days? Production reduced by half?

This notification made Ye Zhongming really unhappy. The hired time and efficiency could not satisfy him.

“Shatter the Mother Wheel space and obtain more hired times, and you can earn the final ownership of the Star Elf.”

This notification was more tempting. It even told him the way to own the Star Elf.

Ye Zhongming understood that Sheikha Saeed wasn’t honest with him either. The Star Elf wasn’t taken from him, but because his hired date was up, the Star Elf returned to the Mother Wheel. Of course, the others won the fellow from the wheel and not by snatchingn from him.

Who knows how many times they hired it, as this affected the final ownership?

Ye Zhongming was naturally interested in the elemental elf. He feared that some people hired it too many times, like the king from Saint City.

But he didn’t have time to consider this problem. The moment he exited the wheel, he saw a person.

This was a weird