Chapter 1023- Hiring Star Elf
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1023- Hiring Star Elf (Teaser)

If Sheikha Saeed hadn’t died and followed Ye Zhongming into this space, he would have told him that that was the star protector’s final hit.

Each palace monster would gather all their strength and lifeforce into one hit to form their final blow.

At the start, before the Mother Wheel gave birth to so many subordinates, many experts from West Asia died from these final hits.

Of course, Sheikha Saeed probably would have answered some of Ye Zhongming's questions.

For example, why were there 88 stars but only 50 rewards?

Ye Zhongming looked at the dead centaur and let the Treasure Nurturing Gourd eat the damaged blue armor. He switched a green Thousand Leaf Phosphor Armor.

When he changed his clothes, a blue light appeared on the centaur’s corpse. Then, a small elf floated in mid-air.

The Earth Elf left his shoulder for the first time since following him.

It sat on the small shield and flew towards the new elf. That blue elf saw it and also floated over quickly.

They met in mid-air, and they were like long-lost friends. Both of them sat on