Chapter 1003.5- Chrysanthenum Cloud (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1003.5- Chrysanthenum Cloud (2)

Sheikha Saeed looked at the Exquisite Floating Ball with envy. He had repeatedly asked to buy it, but Ye Zhongming rejected him. Moreover, it drew the furious stares of Xia Bai’s squad.

During the final bid, this West Asian fellow actually added in a hundred beautiful women!

This was him wanting to be enemies with the entire Cloud Peak.

Sheikha Saeed didn’t care. Even during peacetime, women didn’t have any status to him, much less now.

He was just thinking about how to get that piece of equipment.

More pictures were taken and sent from the Exquisite Floating Ball. Under Cloud Peak’s leadership, they took a hunting path.

When they didn’t attack, Sheikha Saeed’s men looked down on Cloud Peak’s warriors. These women, who were beautiful and cold, had good equipment and battle beasts.

But these people still looked down on their combat strength.

To them, women were weaker beings.

But when they entered battle modes, their discipline, strength, and bloodthirst made the West Asians speechless.

They didn’t dare to look down on these women anymore. They realized that if they wanted, they could kill them like they were children.

It was the difference in equipment, average level, and mentalities.

These women weren’t afraid of dying!

All of them understood that those who were afraid would die first when they fought. They understood the theory, but when it was down to them to do it, these West Asians couldn’t. They weren’t willing to risk their lives unless their backs were forced to the walls.

Thus, they saw Cloud Peak use high-tech equipment to search for the sand monsters. They saw Cloud Peak kill these lifeforms that terrified them and get the companion crystals that they craved.

“Ye, let’s not talk about the thing that flies. What about your weapons? Sell them to me, and I will pay a satisfactory price.”

Ye Zhongming was getting a little impatient with this royal, who wanted to buy anything good he saw. He said to Sheikha Saeed, “Allow me to be honest. Mr Sheikha Saeed, I don’t think you can afford the equip

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