Chapter 647 - Absolute Tyrant Under Heaven
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Zhan Long Chapter 647 - Absolute Tyrant Under Heaven

Chapter 647 - Absolute Tyrant Under Heaven

The next day, I went to class in the morning, and then left at exactly 11 o'clock. I returned to the residence and ate a simple meal. After that, we immediately returned to our respective rooms to go online. The Hero's Wings's preliminary round for China would start at 12 o'clock, and the preliminaries consisted of five matches that were best of one. If you won one match, you would get 1 point, so you couldn't be careless. Furthermore, you would get eliminated if you lost a single round, so you would have to exit the moment you lost a round


As I entered the game, I appeared in the east plaza of Tian Ling City. The Hero's Wings was about to start, and even the logo for the Hero's Wings competition had appeared in the sky. This was an official competition from [Destiny] itself. One could just imagine how strictly they were observing it.

I took a look at the various items in my bag. Once I made sure that I had sufficient potions and cards, I went to go repair my equipment. In the afternoon, we were going to experience many fierce battles. There was a total of a million teams competing just in the Chinese Server alone, and to get our way into the strongest thirty two, we had fight and win fifteen battles. This was absolutely a drawn-out fight!

After a few seconds, the beautiful girls Wan Er, Dong Cheng, Qing Qian, and Darling Duck, appeared by my side. There was still ten minutes left until the competition began. The system had automatically sorted us into our five man team. Furthermore, a countdown to the competition appeared on all of our interfaces.  

When there was only five  minutes remaining, we were automatically teleported into a competition room--


The five of us were sent into a sealed space, and were prohibited from sending messages. We were even prohibited from connecting to a phone signal. A bell rang and the system told us about the specific rules of this Hero's Wings competition--

  1. All skills, including special skills, that have a cooldown

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Novel Notes

Hi all that's the end of Zhan Long. Thanks for all the support!
If you all would like a new novel, you can go check out Apocalypse Gacha!