Chapter 616 - Hero’s Meet
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Zhan Long Chapter 616 - Hero’s Meet

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Chapter 616 Hero’s Meet

After we finished eating it was already ten o’clock at night.

All of us walked out the door. Outside of the restaurant, there was a total of five cars parked there. Besides Wan Er and my car, there were three other Benzes. They were all Wang Ze Cheng’s. A couple of young men clothed in suits were waiting outside. When Wang Ze Cheng got close, they shouted “Mr. Wang” and greeted him with a bow. This kind of style was something none of us could match.

After getting on the car, Wang Ze Cheng turned around and grinned, “Qin Wen, Wan Er, good bye and goodnight!”

Qin Wen nodded in acknowledgment. Wan Er on the other hand grabbed my hand and then hugged my arm and gave me a kiss. At that moment, Wang Ze Cheng’s expression immediately turned into embarrassment. He turned around and climbed into the car.

Qin Wen raised her brow and asked, “Just what’s going on?”

Wan Er softly said, “Wang Ze Cheng just isn’t as simple as you had thought before. Sister, it’s best if you leave him in the future.”

Qin Wen nodded, “Of course I knew that. I only know him for business. I’m not some love struck fool. I wouldn’t be nice to just anyone who was handsome. What I want to ask is, before this, what did Wang Ze Cheng do in Hang Zhou?”

Dong Cheng replied, “After he came, he and Li Xiao Yao made life hard for each other. It seems as though he has feelings for Wan Er. Furthermore he has a very special position. Otherwise, our Brother Xiao Yao probably would have beat him to within an inch of his life.”

“Besides that?” Qin Wen pressed.

I rubbed my nose and explained, “Besides that, within the first week of starting school at Liu Hua University, he had stolen our classmate, Liu Yin’s girlfriend, Suo Yue. On top of that, he made a move on Suo Yue right in front of him. What I’m saying is, he did it, right in front of him…”

“What?!” Wan Er was stunned, “Pig, how come you’ve never told me about this?”

I coughed, “I was afraid that your innocence would be tarnished…”

Wan Er was speechless.

Qin Wen nodde

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Hi all that's the end of Zhan Long. Thanks for all the support!
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