Chapter 1371- War Emperor
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Zhan Long Chapter 1371- War Emperor

Close to half an hour. Q-Sword, Jian Feng Han etc players led the 200 thousand troops to line up. In the distance, the giant human army actually retreated and gave up a piece of land to act as a battlefield for both sides.

I stood on the walls and said loudly, “Q-Sword, Jian Feng Han, don’t get too far. Pay attention not to get baited if not they might cut us off.”

Q-Sword raised his sword and smiled, “Don’t worry brother!”


The war drums got more and more intense. Hero Mound, Vanguard etc lined up and behind them were the 40 thousand Fire Dragon Army people. Along with dozens of Dragon Crystal cannons, they were prepared to fight.


A cannon fired, that was the order to attack. 200 thousand troops charged. Killing shouts could be heard and the rising sun chased the mist away. We could see the giant army charging too. These giants held giant axes and broadswords and they all shouted in unison, “Aotian sends troops, the world will be ruled!”

I flew over and was about to head down.

Lin Qiong said hurriedly, “Your highness no!”

Situ Xi nodded too, “Yes your highness, you are the commander, if anything happens to you we will be affected. Don’t go, let’s just wait and see!”

Wan Er nodded toward me, “Come back hubby…”

I floated back on the walls and held Butterfly. My gaze looked into the distance once more.

The battlefield was just a few miles from us and the rumbling smoke cut off our field of sight. We could only see Hero Mound, Vanguard players charging forwards, using their blades to slice the legs of the giants. The giants stood tall. As for their swords and axes, when they landed in the crowd, they would do a circular splash damage.


The first giant fell from his injuries, the muscles on his legs were about to be totally sliced off. All that was left were the white bones, he died just like that.

But one death in exchange for dozens of players. The losses weren’t comparable at all. At this time, Q-Sword shared us the rough stats of the giant--

Giant Human Warrior (Level 1 elite soldie

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Hi all that's the end of Zhan Long. Thanks for all the support!
If you all would like a new novel, you can go check out Apocalypse Gacha!