Chapter 212: Teenage Rebellion
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Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly Chapter 212: Teenage Rebellion

Gu Yi gave Xiao Xue a stern look and used psychological suggestions on her. She immediately stopped talking.

"No matter what, I’m in the same generation as your father. You should call me uncle, got it?"


Xiao Xue lowered her head and let out a soft grunt.

"Even if you are my uncle... why did you tie me up? Who does that?"

"It's to keep you from running away."

"That's kidnapping."

"You'll understand everything tomorrow," Gu Yi calmly replied. "Tomorrow, you'll see whether your dad and I were lying to you. Just go to sleep; being knocked out all the time isn't comfortable, right?"


Xiao Xue closed her eyes and turned to face the wall.

Gu Yi left the room, exchanging a look with Er Gou.

They both shook their heads in unison, muttering, "Teenagers..."

They shared a knowing, wry smile.

"Er Gou, there's something I need your help with."

"No need to be so polite. What is it?"

Gu Yi shrugged. "I've written a story, and I want your help to publish it."

"You need to be at least a second-level citizen to publish a novel."

"Does rank matter to you?"

Er Gou paused, "Not really... but why do you want to publish a book?"

"To find a way to defeat him. Haven't you heard the saying?"

"What saying?"

"Words have power."

Er Gou was silent for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully.

"By the way, what were you going to tell me earlier?"

"Nothing." Er Gou waved his hand. "Give me a day to prepare the publishing. Come find me tomorrow night."


Er Gou turned and left the casino.

Gu Yi returned to his room, tied his feet as he did the previous day, and sat at his desk writing until he gradually fell asleep.


In the real world.

In just one day, the world's situation had drastically changed.

Three countries had formally declared war on Dragon Country.

The leader exercised restraint, engaging only in basic defensive actions and avoiding offensive moves. Meanwhile, a small portion of Dragon Country's population had gradually been corrupted by a weird force, becoming increasingly extreme in

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Translator Notes

T/N: Hello, I apologize for not updating and translating chapters regularly. I have an exam coming up in October, and I’ll only be able to get back to a proper schedule afterward. I’ll continue the translation of this novel once my exam is done. Thank you for your understanding.