Chapter 101 - The Fate of the Survivors
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Underworld Player Chapter 101 - The Fate of the Survivors

The pitter-patter of tiny running feet had passed, leaving only the distinctive smacking sound that got gradually louder as it approached the door.

The sound that was almost like someone slowly dribbling a basketball.

"Would you listen to that? Some kid in here's got a basketball!"

Traveler forced a strained smile and tried to lighten the tense mood.

"Is that so? In my case, it reminded me of a funny story," said Bai Zhi with a smirk as he leaned by the door.

"Let's see... Once upon a time, there was a man and a woman who got into an argument. In a fit of anger, the woman jumped off the building to her death. Over the next few days, the man found himself plagued by incident after bizarre incident, caused by the spirit of the dead woman clamoring for vengeance. Knowing this, the man sought the help of a great exorcist..."

Bai Zhi paused as the sound of another door opening came from beyond the door, followed by the smacking sounds from before, which gradually faded in volume. The Players quickly inferred that whoever was dribbling the "ball" must have walked into another room.

"...Anyway, the exorcist conducted a ritual at the man's home, then informed the man that, as long as he could stay hidden from the woman's spirit on the seventh day* after her death, he could rest easy ever after. Knowing that the dead could not bend at the waist**, the man decided, after some thought, to hide under the bed."

Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes at the door—the smacking sound was gradually getting louder again, as if the thing had come back out of the room.

"Oh, I think I've heard this one before," Traveler chimed in with a wry smile.

Bai Zhi continued, "Soon, the Seventh Day rolled around, and the man found himself alone in his apartment. He hid under the bed as planned, and soon heard a strange sound coming from the living room. Smack, smack, smack... Suddenly, he realized what the sound was, but it was too late..."

He shrugged and spread his arms.

"In the end, when the clock struck midnight, the man still missed the lates

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Translator Notes

*Refers to Chinese folk belief that spirits return to their home on the seventh day after their death.
**Another Chinese folk belief.
***Chinese have a unique version of zombie that moves by hopping. Also known as Chinese hopping vampire (Example)

Novel Notes

This chapter was made possible in part through the support of my Patrons, olivertwisted, Bob Oakley, KoonSquad_Doge, PikaPower, Kenny Calderon, and Radical Dragon. Thank you!

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