Chapter 179 - Dekan Felt The Shadow World’s Anxiety
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There's Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made! Chapter 179 - Dekan Felt The Shadow World’s Anxiety

On the beaches of the southeastern parts of the Holy Kingdom.

With sunglasses on and laying on beach chairs under a parasol, Dekan and Cornelia were sunbathing.

They had enjoyed a wonderful seven-day vacation together.

Now, the deadline for their mission in the Shadow World was finally approaching.

"I have to say, this Shadow World experience was really good, much better than the previous two times."

"I'd love to come back."

"We'll definitely come back to the Holy Kingdom."

"Just take me along, and we're good, meow!"

Although Teacher Cat often criticized Dekan for not acting like a human, it always ended up sticking close to Dekan and Cornelia after enjoying itself.

Finally, as they basked in their contentment, the countdown phase of the Shadow World began.

After being forcibly transported out of the Shadow World, they found themselves temporarily in the familiar transitional space.

This was a temporary resting place between the Shadow World and the real world, used for settling rewards.

Soon, the mission interface began to update, giving off the feeling that it wanted to hurry them along.

[Shadow World: Secrets of the Declined Sacred Ritual Cleared]

[Currently Calculating Rewards]

[Generating Evaluation]

[Due to the highly coordinated actions of the team, settlement will be done as a team]

[Challengers: Dekan, Cornelia & Demi]

"Wait, who is Demi?" Dekan asked, a bit puzzled.

Teacher Cat angrily jumped onto his head and pulled at his hair. "Demi is me, meow! You still don't know my name after knowing me for so long?!"

"Ah? I thought your name was just Teacher Cat," Dekan replied, feigning surprise.

This only made the Teacher Cat angrier! "I'm not going home today, meow! I'm going to live with Cornelia!"

"What's the difference between living with either of us?"

"Meow... there doesn’t seem to be any..."

As they chatted, the Shadow World continued to update the settlement information.

[In this narrative-style Shadow World, the team has unlocked Mission Objectives 2 and 3 through unconventional

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Translator Notes

Started new job, didn't have time to translate.

Novel Notes

Please review and rate the novel at Novelupdates

Current schedule is a bit unstable. But I will try to get 5chapters/week. Been a bit difficult, having some depression issues lately.