Chapter 178 - Dekan Delivered A Mental Blow To Mauleon
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There's Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made! Chapter 178 - Dekan Delivered A Mental Blow To Mauleon

Although Dekan’s delivery was completely new, Mauleon didn't quite believe that Dekan could just randomly promote a couple of girls.

Especially when evaluated from a professional perspective, Mauleon didn't find the singing of the first two girls outstanding.

Presumably, Dekan chose two girls with exceptional looks and he arranged the most suitable performance for them. He planned to impress the audience watching from the real world.

But, being in the Shadow World and listening to the town's broadcast, Mauleon could only appreciate the singing and was unable to see the scenes Dekan transmitted to the real world.

As such, he quickly realized the flaw of this girl group.

The two girls chosen by Dekan lacked singing skills.

"Dekan, you’re really treating me like a good brother. Are you bidding farewell to me with this song?"

Mauleon knew that Dekan playing this song in the city didn't hold much significance.

The only possible explanation was that Dekan assumed Mauleon would still stay in the city to investigate today and wanted him to appreciate the music.


After the individual parts of the first two girls finished…

The angelic voice of the third girl rang out…

Mauleon: "?????"

He was immediately stunned in place.

Mauleon's expression instantly went through several stages, becoming particularly complicated.

This voice… Mauleon was all too familiar!

Isn't this Flora?!

Mauleon exclaimed in his heart.

Did Dekan also trick Flora into singing and dancing?

Mauleon could already imagine how his innocent and lovely sister was easily fooled by Dekan.

But soon, Mauleon shook his head.

Though Dekan was shady, he didn't harm good people. Flora was very kind, Mauleon knew Dekan wouldn't bully her.

"Heh, you really set up a show for me. Unfortunately, it doesn’t affect me at all" Mauleon said with a sneer and began calming down. He proceeded to continue walking.


Just as Mauleon took two steps, he furrowed his brow again.

He felt that there was something off about the lyrics of this song.


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Novel Notes

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Current schedule is a bit unstable. But I will try to get 5chapters/week. Been a bit difficult, having some depression issues lately.