Chapter 170 - Dekan's Classic Fishing Tactics
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There's Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made! Chapter 170 - Dekan's Classic Fishing Tactics

"Alright, Milord Marquess," Lysilina bowed to Mauleon like a professional maid before proceeding to the lord's bedroom to awaken the unconscious lord and issue a series of instructions to him. Next, she quickly led her servants downstairs.

Soon enough, the lord, behaving like a servant, respectfully led Dekan and the others to a suite that was no less luxurious than his own bedroom. Once inside the room, all three couldn't help but collapse in exhaustion. Dekan and Cornelia settled onto the couch as usual while Mauleon took a seat at the desk.

"Not bad, seems like a competent hotel manager," Dekan muttered in a low voice.

Confirming they were in a safe area, Teacher Cat emerged from Dekan's shadow. It quickly ran over to the desk where Mauleon was seated, pulled out a piece of paper, and with magical control over the pen, began scribbling on it.

After finishing, it showed the paper to the other three.

Written on it was: "Are you guys crazy! Do you really want to use this countess? What if she finds out and things go south meow?!"

Mauleon, sitting at the desk, took the pen from Teacher Cat and wrote on the paper: "Isn't it a waste to not squeeze out her remaining value? After all, finding and capturing the remaining challengers is a bit of a hassle. If this countess can contribute a bit more before getting taken out, it'd be better."

By daylight, the countess and her servants would only have one-tenth of their fighting strength once they stepped out of the building into the sunlight. It could be said that even if they wanted to escape, Dekan and his team could easily handle them.

Teacher Cat seemed to gradually agree with the plan. After all, it had already gone through a terrifying night when Dekan kept information hidden from it at the mansion. Now, there wasn't much left to fear.

"But can we really catch the Resurgence Church followers tonight, meow?" Teacher Cat wrote on the paper.

Mauleon didn't elaborate much. He merely took the paper and pen, stood up, and walked over to hand it to the collapsed Deka

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Current schedule is a bit unstable. But I will try to get 5chapters/week. Been a bit difficult, having some depression issues lately.