Chapter 169 - Dekan Strongly Condemns Mauleon
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There's Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made! Chapter 169 - Dekan Strongly Condemns Mauleon

Mauleon calmly spun a web of lies. Between him and Countless Lysilina, one dared to speak, and the other dared to listen.

"The Resurgence Church?" Countess Lysilina was slightly puzzled; she had never heard of such an organization in all these years.

"Heh, you've been out for all these years, yet your information is not as well-informed as mine, a vampire that has been sealed for a hundred years?" Mauleon's chin lifted slightly, and his voice turned colder.

"No! Milord Marquess! I have done my best to save you, please believe in my efforts! I truly have not found any trace of this organization!" Lysilina's hand rested on her chest, her expression filled with sincerity and sorrow as she looked at Mauleon.


Mauleon seemed like he was about to say something, but then sighed as if he couldn't bear it in his heart.

"I'm sorry, Lysilina. My nerves were too taut. I know you are now the only blood kin in this world that I can trust," Mauleon said somewhat self-reproachfully, the coldness in his eyes fading slightly and revealing a tenderness that didn't seem to belong to the ruthless marquess.

But soon, he regained his cold expression, as if trying to hide the emotions he had just shown.

However, Countess Lysilina noticed everything.

Her heartbeat seemed to become clearer in this quiet night.

"Milord Marquess, I will never question anything you say again," after a while, Lysilina knelt on one knee before Mauleon, bowing deeply.

"No, your caution is right. After all, humans are too cunning. A slight misstep and we could fall into their trap," Mauleon seemed to get more and more worked up, even causing Dekan to glance at him.

For a moment, Dekan wondered if this guy had truly lost his mind.

Mauleon slowly walked up to Lysilina, half crouched down in front of her, and then helped her up.

"Lysilina, the Resurgence Church is undoubtedly a great enemy of our vampire clan. They are a secret society originating from the southern city-states, extremely adept at infiltration. It's normal not to find them," Mauleon

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Current schedule is a bit unstable. But I will try to get 5chapters/week. Been a bit difficult, having some depression issues lately.