Chapter 1: I Am Roan, a Student of the Demon King Academy
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The Demon King is Too Unfathomable! Chapter 1: I Am Roan, a Student of the Demon King Academy

A vicious-looking demon stood behind a black stone podium in an eerie classroom filled with torture tools hanging off the walls.

He was Enos, a Diamond (Tier VII) furiataur. He had two massive bull horns that made him resemble a wild beast walking on its hind legs. His hulking physique was wrapped under a scarlet robe, and his scarlet eyes obscured by his hood’s shadow reflected a chilling glint. (T/N: A fiend bull)

The words carelessly scribbled on the black board behind him was eye-catching too.

【How to efficiently torture a human and collect Terror Energy from their shrieks.】

“Terror is unlike Charm, but their fundamental properties are the same… Our energy stem from human faith. Our believers will fear instead of praise about us, but that is a form of worship too. So, a dead worshiper is meaningless; only an alive worshiper can provide a continuous source of energy to us.

“Write this down. We need to instill fear in our prey while avoiding excessive torture that may lead to death or insanity.

“If our prey stops reacting to external stimulus, whatever we do loses its meaning. So, the best kind of torture tends to be invisible. However, you should also note that if your torture is too light, it could backfire on you too. For instance, your prey might relish in it. That’s another situation we need to avoid too.

“Focus on the class! Don’t think that you don’t need such knowledge just because you aren’t a furiataur. Even a succubus can learn a thing or two from this. Never let your prey think that they have gotten you. Only when you’re out of reach of those simps will they treat you like their deity… I hope you haven’t just learned crude seduction gestures from Lilith.”

This was Hell’s highest education institution, the Demon King Academy.

As the name suggested, it was a place where demon kings were nurutred

As the humans grew stronger, being a Demon King was no longer as lucrative as it was five hundred years ago. One could say that they had even become a consumable resource.

So, most students aimed to r

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