Book 01 Chapter 07.01 - Red Epiphyllum
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The Defeated Saintess Is On A Journey To Tame The Evil God Book 01 Chapter 07.01 - Red Epiphyllum

Saturday morning, Xing Mo was yawning, wandering through the morning market in the Northern District.

At this time, on this habitual day off, she should be lying in bed, wrapped in a blanket, hugging a pillow... or rather, she should be the one being hugged like a pillow.

So why did she get up so early to go to the market? Of course, it was because of Aurora!

"Young Saintess, hurry up—"

Aurora walked ahead, holding Xing Mo's hand, her rosy cheeks flushed with excitement in the cold morning breeze.

This girl had dragged Xing Mo out of bed early in the morning, saying she had a brilliant idea that she needed Xing Mo's help with.

And so, Xing Mo was dragged along to the morning market.

Xing Mo yawned, pulled herself together, and scanned the stalls in the market.

The morning market was the busiest this time of the day. To ensure the freshness of produce, full-time housewives and servants would come during this period to buy food.

Xing Mo glanced at vegetable stalls, where a multitude of vegetables were neatly arranged in baskets, glistening with dew—most were brought by farmers at the brink of dawn from the suburbs of Academia.

In addition to vegetable stalls, there were also some stalls selling bread: large chunks of rye bread were casually placed in large baskets and sold by weight.

Most of the people buying rye bread at these stalls were relatively poor—the bread at these stalls was coarse, with the cheapest being often just a mush made of mixed grains with low nutritional value.

If you wanted better-tasting white bread, you had to buy it from bakeries. But many residents of the Northern District couldn't afford it.

"..." Xing Mo sighed as she looked at the poor people scrambling for the bread, then asked Aurora: "So, why did we come here this early?"

"Last night I received a lot of faith force." Aurora said seriously, "Many of the workers we rescued yesterday had prayed to me!"

"Isn't that great?" Xing Mo yawned, "So why are we here?"

Aurora's eyes dimmed for a moment: "They were praying to have en

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