Book 01 Chapter 06.09 - Whale Song
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Nevirabeta Library was the largest library in the entire Citadel, boasting a collection of over fifty million books, spiral in structure, extending all the way to the top of the North Tower.

Upon entering the library, Aurora looked around, mumbling continuously: "I still haven't returned the books I borrowed before... although I didn't check them out..."

"That's not a good habit." Xing Mo smiled helplessly, "You're supposed to check them out yourself at the front desk."

"But that's really troublesome. Why isn't there a librarian?" Aurora pursed her lips.

"There actually is one, and we're here to find her." Xing Mo stated.

"Oh?" Aurora seemed interested.

Xing Mo then led Aurora through the library, searching along rows of seats.

In the afternoon, many students were seated in the library, enjoying their study time. Most of them looked to be in deep focus, seemingly detached from the surrounding world.

The atmosphere of the Nevirabeta Magic Academy had always been academically rich. Most of the people who came here were seekers of knowledge, filled with curiosity about string magic. They naturally wouldn't miss any opportunities to learn.

After wandering past book-filled shelves with Aurora for a while, Xing Mo finally found the petite figure in a corner of the great library's third floor.

She was a young girl with blue hair and blue eyes, wearing a white cap that resembled a sleeping cap over her smooth short hair, dressed in a white dress. Her slender wrists extended from wide sleeves, her delicate hands holding a book larger than her face.

She read the book in her hands intently, seemingly oblivious to the arrival of Xing Mo and Aurora.

"That's our librarian, Ms. Aimer Gehrels Sophia." Xing Mo introduced to Aurora.

Ms. Aimer, the mysterious great library's librarian.

She rarely stayed at the front desk. Instead, she wandered throughout the library like a ghost, reading in silence.

When students came to her to check out books they wanted to borrow, Ms. Aimer usually responded lazily with something lik

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