Book 01 Chapter 05.10 - Gold
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By the time Xing Mo returned to the gambling den with two cups of sweet iced tea bought at the hot springs' night market, everything had changed.

A large group of spectators gathered around Aurora's table, emitting shouts from time to time.

What's going on? Is there a fight?

Xing Mo hurriedly stepped forward, pushing aside the crowd, repeatedly saying words such as "excuse me" and "let me through".

But, when she squeezed herself up to the edge of the table, Xing Mo saw a golden radiance tear through the air—


It was a female Knight riding a Dragon! She battled in the air with more than ten Dragons and released flashes of golden light, dropping a Dragon from midair with each flash of golden light.

Aurora sat at the table with a calm expression, her hands folded in front of her chest.

As for the other three people, they were frenetic, fierce expressions decorating their faces.

Xing Mo promptly grasped the current situation on the battlefield: the three people decided to gang up on Aurora, yet she was effortlessly handling them by herself.

The female Knight subordinated to Aurora cut through the battlefield like a knife through butter, causing the ranks of the troops in front of her to crumble.

The lass... probably granted the female Knight "life"... that was why she had become so powerful...

Xing Mo watched silently as Aurora won again and put a pile of chips into a basket.

She turned around, saw Xing Mo watching, and waved at her: "Sweet iced tea!"

Xing Mo handed her the sweet iced tea. Aurora took a sip and stuck out her tongue: "Too sweet, oh my..."

Then, she stood up and waved to the three people at the table, saying: "Let's call it a night here. It wouldn't be polite to continue playing. You need to practice more."

"Wait a minute!" The former champion's eyes were shot with blood at this time, "You... what's your name..."

"My name is Xing Yu." Aurora put her hands on her hips, "Remember my name! Next time I come, you better run~"

The onlookers chewed on these words over and over again: wh

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