Book 01 Chapter 05.01 - Gold
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"Another three Steam Man related incidents occurred in the Northern District. People are disquieted."

"The total number of missing people has already exceeded the one hundred mark. The police are conducting closer investigations."

"Bellkeeper Alice Pushett, while comforting people at the crime scene, was admonished by the Northern District Police Department's Chief Laura Williams, causing public outcry..."

Sitting at a table, Aurora poked her head out from behind the newspaper in her hands and looked at Xing Mo beside a stove: "Your senior was scolded by this very fierce woman!"

"I've already read it." Xing Mo didn't even look back.

It was early in the morning, and the two were in the Public Kitchens in the academy's East Tower.

While Aurora sat at the table, Xing Mo was busying herself at a stove.

The kitchens were arranged for students who wish to prepare their own food. At the same time, white doves could be used to bring ingredients from all over the Citadel, meeting the requirements of most recipes.

Of course, Aurora was the one who wanted for Xing Mo to prepare food.

The lass was clamoring first thing in the morning, claiming that the breakfast in the Great Hall wasn't that tasty, that she wanted to eat food prepared by her young Saintess.

Xing Mo was left with no choice but to prepare food herself.

"We have become eyewitnesses, proving that Steam Man really exists." As she spoke, Xing Mo poured olive oil into a pan, and then used a knife to cut white mushrooms on a chopping board into even pieces.

"That guy can really take a hit. My spear was equivalent to a five string magic. If it were an ordinary person instead, they would have been smashed." Aurora buried her head in the newspaper again.

"I wonder how he escaped." Xing Mo muttered.

When the olive oil in the pan was at the right temperature, Xing Mo used tongs to put sausages and bacon into the pot, and then poured in the chopped mushrooms.


As the sound of oil cooking rose, Xing Mo picked up a piece of butter and placed it in the

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