Book 01 Chapter 03.05 - Good Sunny Days
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The Defeated Saintess Is On A Journey To Tame The Evil God Book 01 Chapter 03.05 - Good Sunny Days

Upon hearing the voice, everyone turned their eyes to the stairs at the edge of the square—a middle-aged man with gray temples was standing there, smiling at Professor Ling.

He was dressed like a professor. There was a teacup in his hand. The wrinkles on his face started to deepen, but he still retained a scholarly aura. His sagacious blue eyes were like bottomless pools.

Seeing those familiar eyes, Xing Mo felt at ease.

That was her instructor: Lucius Phillips, the person she wrote the letter to.

"Misunderstanding?" Ling shot Lucius a glance, "That was thirteen strings. Didn't you see it?"

"No, no, it is unrelated to her. It is my doing." Lucius raised his hand as if in surrender.

He tipped the teacup in his hand, and dark green liquid fell on the ground, twisted and turned into the shape of a tree, and then decomposed.

Lucius's meaning was simple: the sacred artifact's explosion was caused by his experiment, and had nothing to do with Aurora.

Upon seeing this, Professor Ling sighed: "Is it another of your stupid experiments?"

"Life is so wonderful, why not enjoy it?" Lucius smiled elegantly, "Unfortunately, it seems that miss sacred artifact was tired of living and thus took her own life."

"Are you aware how much a String Harp costs? I can't turn a blind eye to this. I will have to report this matter to Headmaster Merlin." Ling said coldly.

"When the headmaster is back, I will accept any punishment deemed necessary." Lucius smiled, "Alright, let's stop scaring the girls. I'll bring out a spare."

Lucius walked up to Xing Mo's side and waved his wand, and gold starlight flicker in the square.

He glanced at Xing Mo beside him and winked inconspicuously.

I have become a girl. Can you still recognize me... Instructor... Xing Mo suddenly felt ashamed.

When the starlight dissipated, a brand-new String Harp replaced the fragments on the ground.

"Please, miss." Lucius gestured to Aurora.

Aurora came back to her senses. She plastered a frightened expression on her face, then picked up the wand again and pl

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