Book 01 Chapter 03.04 - Good Sunny Days
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The Defeated Saintess Is On A Journey To Tame The Evil God Book 01 Chapter 03.04 - Good Sunny Days

The entrance test for Nevirabeta Magic Academy was very simple. Students only needed to pick up a wand prepared by the teachers and use it to play the strings on a sacred artifact, and then have their qualification judged based on the number of strings played.

According to their qualification, students would be assigned to different instructors to develop their unique talents.

Xing Mo saw the sacred artifact used for the test in the distance.

It was a bronze colored harp with a total of thirteen strings, corresponding to thirteen levels of string players.

According to the current magic theory, string was the basic unit, with any form of magic affecting and changing the objective world by plucking strings.

According to Nevirabeta Magic Academy's research, all things occurring in the world were essentially the manifestation of strings oscillating in the material plane: from storms in the oceans, to magma deep in the earth, and even to starlight in the night sky.

String was not a tangible thing in the physical sense, but a concept on a mystical level, so it couldn't be observed and disassembled by conventional methods.

The only way to affect string was to use a medium such as wand to pluck strings in the flow space, thereby directly manipulating nature via strings.

This process was called string playing and was commonly referred to as magic casting.

The level of string magic was determined by the number of strings that could be played simultaneously. From one string magic to thirteen string magic, the level increased exponentially.

String manipulation hinged upon the manipulator's level in mysticism. According to the Starsea Scripture, the upper limit of an individual human was eight strings, while the upper limit of ritual magic was nine strings. As for higher levels, they were the domain of mythical creatures such Elder Dragons.

As a Bellkeeper, Xing Mo's upper limit was five strings, and her resonance string was the string of fire. This meant she could only reach this level when manipulating fire.


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