Chapter 51: The Shy Great Teacher
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Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects! Chapter 51: The Shy Great Teacher

Late at night, the desolate wilderness was silent.

A silver dragon was curled up and sleeping peacefully.

Alice leaned against the dragon and warmed herself in silence.

The weather was truly cold...

Because they were close to the Desolate Tundra, the temperature in the wilderness was particularly cold.

Right now, Alice was traveling with the Great Teacher of White Light.

However, earlier on, the Great Teacher suddenly sensed something. After instructing Alice to stay where she was, the Great Teacher turned into a pool of flowing mithril and fused with the soil, disappearing without a trace.

Now that Alice was guarding the fire alone, the quiet atmosphere caused her to fall into a reverie…

Not long ago, the Great Teacher had already told Alice about her calling.

Alice could not believe it.

The reason why the Great Teacher wanted to take her away was because the Great Teacher wanted her to head to Leta and inherit the position of the new Moon Queen.

That was... the Empress of Leta!

Once the ascension ritual was completed, Alice would become the supreme ruler of Leta. She would lead Leta to fight against the quasigods and other hostile civilizations. Protecting the citizens and revitalizing the country…

Regarding these things, although Alice was extremely surprised, she did not resist.

After all…

Alice knew very well that if not for the fact that the White Light Courtyard had no other choice, why would they let a prostitute be their Empress?

In that case, if she was the only qualified candidate left in the entire Leta…

Alice could only bear the responsibility.

However, there was something that made Alice extremely worried.

If I become the Empress of Leta… doesn't it mean that I'll have to fight Mr. Rayne the next time we meet?

At that moment, clear liquid mithril surged out of the mud.

The figure of the Great Teacher gathered in the flowing mithril.

The Great Teacher had returned.

She looked extremely exhausted and her already haggard face was even paler, as though she could die at any moment.

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Novel Notes

Hi guys, would really appreciate if you could write a review for this book if you've enjoyed it. Even if you didn't, would be nice hearing your thoughts as well!

Also, I wrote a brief review detailing what you can expect from this novel as well as answer some of the comments I've seen you guys made such as chapter length. Do check it out if you're interested!

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Past Xianxia Works:
The Strongest System(Took over from Chapter 101 till the end)
Eternal Sacred King (Took over from Chapter 61)