Chapter 267.2: Please Enjoy Your Champagne… Master❤ (2)
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Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects! Chapter 267.2: Please Enjoy Your Champagne… Master❤ (2)

Cowper: "Your Highness…"

Rayne said, "Yes, don't move."

Rayne lifted Cowper's torn gown without hesitation and cleaned her wounds.

"Cowper, why are you so badly injured?"

The weak Cowper revealed an apologetic and ashamed smile to Rayne.

"It's my fault for being stupid and rash… Your Highness Rayne, I just wanted to share your burden… I'm very ashamed. I've caused trouble for you, Your Highness..."

Rayne revealed a loving smile as he looked at the injured Cowper.

"You didn't cause me trouble. I'm responsible for you. Of course I'll take care of you."

"Don't worry, I'll treat you."

He wiped the blood off Cowper's face gently and stared at the enchanting golden-haired Vampire Queen.

"Your Highness…"

Cowper stared at Rayne as well.

His Highness Rayne's eyes were very, very beautiful…

Why were those eyes… so charming?

It was as though they wanted to suck away her soul and turn her into a soulless plaything for the owner of those eyes…

Cowper could not help but reveal an infatuated smile.

She waited shyly. The man in front of her was inviting her to love… She was already prepared.


Rayne chuckled and asked Cowper in a low voice,

"Cowper, you did it on purpose, right?"

Cowper's gaze trembled. "Huh?"

Rayne continued, "You deliberately wanted to injure yourself so that I could heal you with blood, right?"

"Ehh… well…"

The smile on Cowper's face turned mischievous.

"Your Highness, I…"

"Think carefully before you speak."

Suddenly, Rayne grabbed Cowper's chin and stared into her eyes. His voice was calm, but there seemed to be anger.

"Cowper, I don't want you to lie to me."

When Cowper heard that, she broke down.

The man in front of her was way too important to her.

How could she dare to make him angry?

Cowper tried her best to beg for mercy in a weak voice. "Your Highness… I'm sorry… it's all my fault. It's my fault for being too greedy… Please forgive me this time round, Your Highness…"

There was no additional emotion in Rayne's eyes. He merely asked indifferently, "Forgive you?"

"Yes, that's right!"

Cowper nodded v

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Novel Notes

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Also, I wrote a brief review detailing what you can expect from this novel as well as answer some of the comments I've seen you guys made such as chapter length. Do check it out if you're interested!

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Past Xianxia Works:
The Strongest System(Took over from Chapter 101 till the end)
Eternal Sacred King (Took over from Chapter 61)