Chapter 267.1: Please Enjoy Your Champagne… Master❤ (1)
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Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects! Chapter 267.1: Please Enjoy Your Champagne… Master❤ (1)

After sending off the three big shots, Rayne returned to his residence and looked at the ceiling in a daze with nothing to do.

Rayne was not present for the battle to claim the modules.

There was no doubt that they would win that battle so it was meaningless for him to head there. In fact, he might give the other party a chance to take him as a hostage and turn defeat into victory.

By the time Prosperity and the two True Ancestors returned, Prosperity should already have five modules.

Detection, Annihilation, Basic God Regulation, Light Particle and Construction.

The one that was especially important was the Basic God Regulation Module. With that, Prosperity could activate and close teleportation gates at will like ordinary demigods.

That way, it would be much more convenient for them to explore the ruins of the fifth era.

Rayne knew very well that now was not the time to approach the ruins of the fifth era.

The current Prosperity had yet to collect the full set of combat modules.

The remaining four combat modules were all the main units of the Mechagod Prosperity model.

These modules were indispensable if they wanted to defeat the complete Mechagod Prosperity.

Once Rayne opened the ruins first and took away the inheritance of Order, an all-out war with Mechagod Prosperity would begin immediately.

First the modules, then the halo.

That order had to be followed.

After all, up till now, the goddess in the skies still had the ability to bury everything with a glowing spear and end the war instantly.

Given Rayne's current popularity in the Nether Realm, he would not really be killed by Prosperity just like that.

However, the punishment for failure was still extremely painful and unacceptable to Rayne.

Speaking of which…

Those guys sure were slow.

Did they have to take so long to take down three small fries?

Just as Rayne was pondering about that in his heart, the communication device he left on Prosperity suddenly moved.

"Master, we're back."

The moment Prosperity said that, a teleportation gate opened in front of Ra

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Novel Notes

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Also, I wrote a brief review detailing what you can expect from this novel as well as answer some of the comments I've seen you guys made such as chapter length. Do check it out if you're interested!

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Past Xianxia Works:
The Strongest System(Took over from Chapter 101 till the end)
Eternal Sacred King (Took over from Chapter 61)