Chapter 262: The Girlfriend Sleeping Service of the Artificial Goddess
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Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects! Chapter 262: The Girlfriend Sleeping Service of the Artificial Goddess

After proudly declaring her sovereignty to Prosperity, Justice looked at Rayne warmly and returned to the Nether Realm in satisfaction.

With her departure, Olivia's communication with Rayne was cut off as well.

The door to the Nether Realm that Olivia could watch the live broadcast was sealed forever.

However, although Rayne's connection with Olivia was severed, Justice was extremely considerate and saved the special effects of the dragon eyes for Rayne to ensure that he could continue to do things his way.

In fact, she even used her authority to increase some of the characteristics of losing rationality and being more prone to emotional infection, allowing the dragon eye to obtain a certain level of strengthening.

For some reason, Rayne had a feeling that Justice was becoming more and more tolerant towards the evil dragon attributes in his body.

Was it because Justice had also realized that only by accumulating more strength at this stage could she bring about an even more spectacular bloody war in the future?

Yes, but it did not seem like it.

In any case…

Now that he had sent Justice away and Olivia was out of contact for the time being, the next step was to console Prosperity who was heartbroken by Justice.

Justice looked down on Prosperity.

However, Rayne did not think the same way as Justice.

Indeed, if Justice and Prosperity were to fight one-on-one in the arena, Justice would be able to kill Prosperity.

But so what?

Was work strength the only thing that measured the value of a subordinate?

Although Prosperity was weaker than Justice, Prosperity had other advantages.

She was a good girl!

A dog that would not be jealous or betray and would be loyal to her master. There was no need to think about anything else.

Without burning magic power or eating fuel, as long as a certain amount of chromosomes were injected daily as mental food, she could continue operating infinitely.

Such a cute tool was comparable to Thea Constance.

Rayne loved this Lil Sunny of his to death.

Prosperity could not wait to lift her long dre

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Novel Notes

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Past Xianxia Works:
The Strongest System(Took over from Chapter 101 till the end)
Eternal Sacred King (Took over from Chapter 61)