Chapter 261: Battle Royale Between the Nether Realm Empress and the Star Destroyer Mechagod
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Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects! Chapter 261: Battle Royale Between the Nether Realm Empress and the Star Destroyer Mechagod

In the past, Justice was still puzzled as to who was more important in Rayne's heart between her and Olivia.

But today…

After witnessing Rayne's conversation with Olivia and hearing Rayne's honest thoughts, she finally understood Rayne's sincere loyalty to her.

Manipulate Rayne using a dream?

Naturally, Justice knew very well that she had never used such a method before. Rayne's confession to her was completely out of his subjective will.

The so-called manipulation was merely Olivia being unreasonable.

That pitiful evil dragon was merely finding an excuse to comfort herself because she was unwilling to accept reality…

How pathetic.

She probably did not know that in Rayne's eyes, the only value of her existence was the dragon eye that could bewitch demigods.

Justice's fair finger slid past Rayne's eyes.

"Rayne, do you like this thing very much?"

Rayne said truthfully, "It's very useful to me."

Although he was clearly a follower of Justice, he was abusing the blessing of another evil god. That should have been the greatest betrayal of a follower to his goddess.

However, Justice generously chose to forgive this follower with a special status.

Justice was not angry at all and merely asked with a smile, "Compared to killing enemies on the battlefield, do you prefer to turn them into your bed partners? Are you really my follower?"

It seemed like she was blaming Rayne, but Justice's tone was as though she was flirting with her boyfriend.

Rayne replied calmly, "Your Majesty, the power accumulated right now is to welcome an even greater war."

"That's right…"

There were still many calamities that the mortal world would have to face.

How big of a move could the few Imperial Guards of the Haines Empire make?

Justice understood Rayne. She caressed Rayne's face with love in her eyes. "Speaking of which, do you know how to use my blood?"

"I do."

Rayne said respectfully, "However, I don't dare to lay my hands on it without your permission."

"It's good to know etiquette, but you don't have to treat me like an outsider."

The smile o

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Novel Notes

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Also, I wrote a brief review detailing what you can expect from this novel as well as answer some of the comments I've seen you guys made such as chapter length. Do check it out if you're interested!

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Past Xianxia Works:
The Strongest System(Took over from Chapter 101 till the end)
Eternal Sacred King (Took over from Chapter 61)