Chapter 259.2: Heartbroken Simp, Imminent Apocalypse (2)
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Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects! Chapter 259.2: Heartbroken Simp, Imminent Apocalypse (2)

At the same time, Nether Realm, Succubus Garden.

Looking at the Nether Realm, this brand new domain that had only been born less than 10,000 years ago could almost be considered the most beautiful independent world in the Nether Realm.

In the verdant grassland and colorful flowers, the succubi resided in this peaceful place without any worries and enjoyed life to their heart's content.

There was no pain or despair here. In fact, there were no corpses or screams.

There was only joy.

Endless joy.

It was a joy that could tear through one's nerves and destroy one's soul.

In the middle of the garden was the core area of the entire garden.

That place nurtured the most degenerate and blasphemous lust poison flowers and stored an apocalyptic inheritance that could accelerate the reincarnation cycle of the era. It was a central nursery guarded tightly by countless apostles.

At the same time, the degenerate ruler of the ancient dragons resided here as well.

However, at that moment, standing on the other end of the fallen waterfall that flowed over from the mortal world, the succubi and apostles waited in front of the Ancient Dragon Princess's garden worriedly.

Ever since she received the envelope from Goddess Justice…

The princess had already locked herself in the central nursery for a full two days.

The apostles and succubi were very worried about their princess.

No one knew what Evil Dragon Princess Olivia was doing in the sealed nursery...

At the same time, in the nursery in the middle of the garden.

Olivia laid on the throne and took out her precious projection recording. Looking at her memories with Rayne Haines, the Ancient Dragon Princess could not help but burst into tears. She took out a tissue and wiped the top and bottom…

When Olivia found out that Rayne had secretly proposed to Justice behind her back and even took the initiative to accept the blood of Justice to become her chosen…

What had Olivia done in the past few days?

She did not do anything.

She sealed herself at home and masturbated for two full days and

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Novel Notes

Hi guys, would really appreciate if you could write a review for this book if you've enjoyed it. Even if you didn't, would be nice hearing your thoughts as well!

Also, I wrote a brief review detailing what you can expect from this novel as well as answer some of the comments I've seen you guys made such as chapter length. Do check it out if you're interested!

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Past Xianxia Works:
The Strongest System(Took over from Chapter 101 till the end)
Eternal Sacred King (Took over from Chapter 61)