Chapter 242.1: The Political Offering of the Vampire Queen, The Forbidden Temptation of the Prince (1)
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Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects! Chapter 242.1: The Political Offering of the Vampire Queen, The Forbidden Temptation of the Prince (1)

The Sun Goddess hanging high in the sky was undoubtedly a true god.

Tyrapotter knew that very well.

After a day, Tyrapotter had already received information about the battle that happened in the capital of Haines.

Histia, who was reputed to be the strongest in the mortal world, was burned into a skeleton by Goddess Prosperity in public. That was merely because Histia wanted to block a bombardment from Prosperity.

To the living beings of the mortal world, true gods were existences of a completely different dimension—incomprehensible, uncommunicative and undefeatable.

And now, Prosperity had only one motive for visiting Eternal Night.

That was to treat her split personality and get rid of her other self who was fighting with her for control of her body.

If the requirements of Prosperity were met, Prosperity would leave.


Why didn't Prosperity blow up Eternal Night with her own glowing light spear? Instead, she had to negotiate with the wolf pack earnestly and ask for their help?

Could it be because Prosperity was kind and could not bear to see the innocent living beings of Eternal Night suffer an undeserved calamity because of her internal strife with her other self?

However, according to her behavior in Haines, she was not a benevolent god at all.

In reality, the threat Prosperity posed to the Wolf Queen in the palace back then seemed terrifying. However, that exposed her weakness and became the most direct reason why the Wolf Queen dared to negotiate terms with her.

Prosperity could not attack Eternal Night.

She would rather destroy Haines, which was a thousand times larger than Eternal Night, than shoot a light cannon at the latter.

It was clear.

There was something in Eternal Night that she was incomparably wary of.

Rayne Haines must have known about that as well, which was why he moved from Haines to Eternal Night to deal with Prosperity.

Tyrapotter felt that this was an opportunity.

The goddess in the sky was undertaking a standing punishment while the goddess on the ground was noob as f*ck.

Although it

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Past Xianxia Works:
The Strongest System(Took over from Chapter 101 till the end)
Eternal Sacred King (Took over from Chapter 61)