Chapter 152.2: Right Under the Moonlight Queen’s Nose (2)
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Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects! Chapter 152.2: Right Under the Moonlight Queen’s Nose (2)

Sebastian sighed helplessly. The barrier could block the detection of demigods from the outside world, but at the same time… he could not observe the outside world.

That was not good.

After all, what if… what if there was really a random person passing by the desolate ruins of the White Tower and happened to witness the scene of Sebastian killing his father?

Wouldn't that be terrible?

With that, Sebastian raised his head and looked around casually…

Thereafter, he saw dozens of… big shots of the palace standing on the hill on the other side of the ruins. They had just arrived at the ruins of the White Tower.

Instantly, the smile on Sebastian's face froze.

The big shots of the palace looked at him as he looked back at them.

It was not difficult to tell from the angry and distorted expressions of the big shots.

These powerful big shots with divine blood had already heard of Sebastian's plan.

Among these people, there were even teachers from the White Light Courtyard!

At the front of the group...

Was the new Moonlight Queen, Alice Fremont.

Sebastian broke out in cold sweat and his expression was as stiff as a rock.


Game Over.

Today was Leta's traditional festival, the White Moon Festival.

Similar to Mother Saint's Day, White Moon Festival was a festival that had been passed down since ancient times. However, it was different from the liveliness of Mother Saint's Day.

The White Moon Festival that symbolized wisdom and the prosperity of the arts had already been gradually marginalized in Leta's culture.

After the White Tower that held the White Moon Festival was destroyed by the Imperial Guards, the White Moon Festival became a scar in the hearts of the Leta people and everyone tacitly stopped mentioning it.

That was until today when Alice announced that she was going to lead her trusted officials to the ruins of the White Tower to hold a simple White Moon Festival ceremony.

Actually, everyone felt that there was no need for that.

However, it was not a big problem.

After all, this was an i

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Novel Notes

Hi guys, would really appreciate if you could write a review for this book if you've enjoyed it. Even if you didn't, would be nice hearing your thoughts as well!

Also, I wrote a brief review detailing what you can expect from this novel as well as answer some of the comments I've seen you guys made such as chapter length. Do check it out if you're interested!

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Past Xianxia Works:
The Strongest System(Took over from Chapter 101 till the end)
Eternal Sacred King (Took over from Chapter 61)