Chapter 39.1
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Snow-Kissed Rose (GL) Chapter 39.1

Huai Xu tilted her head, leaving Song Yingshi with a view of her fair profile and trembling eyelashes. When she broke the news to Song Yingshi, a hint of joy and longing flashed in her eyes.

When Song Yingshi caught this glimpse of expression, she got the feeling that Huai Xu genuinely wanted to share this piece of news with her.

At this realization, Song Yingshi relaxed. She felt relieved over the fact that Huai Xu wasn't being bullied.

So she was just too shy to tell me the news before. What an awkward little brat, Song Yingshi thought, smiling.

Immediately afterward, she couldn't help but be happy for Huai Xu, and she began asking for more details as she chewed on the mandarin slice. However, when she heard Huai Xu had found Fu Qi to produce her song, she choked on the mandarin slice and started coughing uncontrollably.

Huai Xu reflexively reached out to pat Song Yingshi's back but stopped halfway and retracted her hand. Then, she poured a glass of water for Song Yingshi, furrowed her brows, and strictly said, "Don't talk while you eat."

Song Yingshi was still trying to catch her breath when Huai Xu reprimanded her. She secretly wrinkled her nose before putting on another smile as she lifted her head to face Huai Xu, saying, "I just wanted to know what you've been up to today."

Huai Xu immediately toned down her strictness at Song Yingshi's words. Lowering her voice, she assured, "That's all I did today."

"Tell me more about it," Song Yingshi urged.

After all her intervention, Song Yingshi honestly hadn't expected Fu Qi to still produce songs for Huai Xu in this life. Similar to how she hadn't expected Zheng Qiyi to appear as one of the Star of Spring's mentors, she couldn't help but wonder if some unknown force was working to bring the plot back on track. This situation also reminded her not to let her guard down.

Setting those thoughts aside, Song Yingshi was still curious about the details of Huai Xu's outing today. She wanted to know what Huai Xu said and did to win Fu Qi over.

Hence, Song Yingshi promptly b

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Novel Notes

Other novels I translate on Hosted Novel:
Miss Cousin is Always Busy (MCAB)(Yuri/GL, Quick Transmigration)
Give Me Another Smile (GMAS)(Yuri/GL, Reincarnation)