Chapter 1011 - Advanced World
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Promotion Land, Northern Plain:


A powerful howl echoed across the Northern Plain's outskirts. The howl came from a giant wolf over 1,500 meters tall as it glared vigilantly at the woman approaching it with a greatsword in hand.

The giant wolf's vigilance increased with each step this greatsword-wielding woman took. When this woman came within a hundred yards of it, the giant wolf lunged forward and bit down on the figure. In response, the woman raised her greatsword to meet the attack.


After a brief collision between the giant wolf's fangs and the woman's greatsword, the giant wolf was forced three steps back, while the woman regained her footing after taking only one step back. Immediately afterward, she lunged at the giant wolf, her greatsword poised for attack.

After several dozen exchanges between the two, the giant wolf let out a frustrated howl before turning around and fleeing the Northern Plain, abandoning its fight with the greatsword-wielding woman.

This Promotion Land is absurdly massive. It's almost as large as the average God's Domain. I didn't think it would take a day of travel just to reach the Promotion Land's core area. Hopefully, there is a powerful Chaos Creature whose World suits me, Shi Feng thought, glancing at the fleeing Chaos Frostwolf before quickly shifting his focus to a distant mountain range.

After repairing the Feather of Oath, Shi Feng felt that completing his Tier 7 promotion with just an ordinary Chaos Creature's World would be a waste. Hence, he decided to aim for the powerful Chaos Creatures residing in the Promotion Land's core area.

According to the colossal phantom, the stronger the Chaos Creature, the stronger their World would be. Going by this logic, when players were advancing to Tier 7, the stronger the World they created for themselves, the stronger they would be at Tier 7.

With the Level 259 War Goddesses being able to easily suppress ordinary Chaos Creatures, Shi Feng would have a much easier time completing his Tier 7 promotion if he only targeted ordinar

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