Chapter 1006 - Super-Ancient Design
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Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Stories Chapter 1006 - Super-Ancient Design

Eternal Realm, primordial civilization city, Zero Wing's Residence:

"What's the current situation in the Demon God Forest?" Shi Feng asked when he saw Blackie enter his office with the latest war report. "Have Rain and the others evacuated safely?"

Shortly after Shi Feng exited the battlefield, he had the misfortune of getting hunted by a Level 245 Ancient Demon God because of his ties with Kalisha. As a result, he spent the next two hours fleeing for his life in the Demon God Forest. If not for the Chapter of Space, which he had merged with the Seven Luminaries Codex, and his extra bottles of Divine Blood, he would never have been able to shake off the Ancient Demon God's pursuit.

However, while he might have safely escaped the Demon God Forest, he didn't know if he could say the same for the rest of his team. For all he knew, the various powers might have directed their anger at Phoenix Rain and the other Zero Wing members after his departure.

"They've evacuated successfully and are on their way back," Blackie said excitedly. "According to the offline report I received, many pseudo-apex powers' teams approached them to congratulate Zero Wing. These pseudo-apex powers want to establish trade relations with Zero Wing and have offered to sell some of their shops in the Eternal Realm's NPC Cities to us at a 50% discount. In return, all they ask is we give their members a 10% discount when using the Tower of the Abyss. Here is the list of shops they are willing to sell."

"This many?" Shi Feng was surprised when he saw the list Blackie passed to him. "Are you sure they're not joking?"

The list indicated six pseudo-apex powers were willing to partner with Zero Wing, each offering to sell over 30 shops across seven to ten NPC Cities. Moreover, these shops were all situated near prime locations or streets with high foot traffic. If a pseudo-apex power were to buy all these shops, its economic power would soar to the next level.

If Zero Wing could obtain all these shops, its daily income and area of influence would skyrock

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