Chapter 993 - Second Mortal God
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"Second? Who?" Shi Feng asked, his voice trembling from excitement.

In his previous life, the Mortal God standard remained the highest achievable combat standard, even at the end of the war between the human race and the Holy Race. A Mortal God fully equipped with Divine Artifacts could more or less rival fifth-floor experts equipped with Divine Sets.

Now that he had the Flame God Set, the Guild would have three peerless combatants if Zero Wing could gain a second sixth-floor expert. That would put it on par with the weaker apex powers that had participated in the middle stages of the war in his previous life.

"You'll never guess who it is," Blackie said. After a pause for suspense, he continued, "If I hadn't witnessed this person conquering the Tower of the Abyss's fifth floor, I would never have believed it myself."

"Is it Snow? Or Samsara?" Of everyone Shi Feng could think of, only Gentle Snow and Fervent Samsara could reach the sixth-floor standard so soon.

Gentle Snow had passed the Goddess of Space's trials and achieved significant improvements. She also possessed an incredible talent for combat, so it wasn't impossible for her to reach the sixth-floor standard so quickly.

As for Fervent Samsara, he was originally only a step away from the sixth-floor standard. The foundations he had laid for himself were not much weaker than Red Frost's. Hence, he also had a good chance of achieving the sixth-floor standard.

"Neither," Blackie said, grinning. "It's Phoenix Rain!"

"Rain?" Blackie's answer stunned Shi Feng.

Shi Feng remembered that Phoenix Rain had only reached the fifth-floor standard not long ago. Although the two Pseudo-Tier 7 Spells he gave her had significantly increased her combat power and allowed her to trade blows with sixth-floor experts, there remained a qualitative difference between her and sixth-floor experts in combat standards. After all, Phoenix Rain had learned barely any Gold Combat Techniques. It'd be ludicrous to expect her to develop her own Advanced Gold Combat Technique in such a short

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