Chapter 983 - Insane Zero Wing
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"Long-term entry into the Eternal Realm?" Shi Feng's words stunned Purgatory Jade momentarily. Then, she excitedly asked, "Have you found a connecting passage?!"

The ability to stay in the Eternal Realm long-term was incredibly tempting to Dragon's Crown.

Whether it was Zero Wing's Intermediate Divine Strengthening Scrolls or the Eternal Realm's Secret Treasures, both had allowed Dragon's Crown to benefit massively, such as finally killing their homeworld's previously unkillable Level 245 Bosses. These Bosses had even allowed Dragon's Crown to obtain plenty of Level 245 weapons and equipment. Unfortunately, due to a lack of powerful secret treasures, Dragon's Crown couldn't form a sufficiently strong team to raid Level 245 Taboo Team Dungeons.

If Dragon's Crown could gain long-term entry into the Eternal Realm, it would have a much easier time obtaining Intermediate Divine Strengthening Scrolls, Secret Treasures, and even Divine Artifacts.

"It's not exactly a connecting passage," Shi Feng said, shaking his head. "Although my solution can connect two worlds and let players travel between them, it comes with restrictions similar to your summoning."

"Similar restrictions? Is there a time limit?" Purgatory Jade grew disappointed at Shi Feng's answer.

If Shi Feng's solution only allowed them to travel to the Eternal Realm for a limited duration, it wouldn't benefit them significantly. At most, they would get another opportunity to trade within a set timeframe.

"Somewhat, but not exactly. Players who use my method to travel between worlds will have their strength eroded by the foreign world's World Power. Although it isn't lethal, they will grow weaker over time," Shi Feng explained. "To get rid of the erosion effect, players simply need to return to their homeworld and rest. Either that, or they can rest in this city!"

Although the Divine Pathstone was heaven-defying, it had a massive flaw: Players using it to travel to a foreign world would be treated as trespassers and receive strong rejection from the foreign world.

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