Chapter 974 - Fallen City
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The Threefold World Wall wasn't the only thing erased by Firmament's Myth of Light. The sky above Evil Sky City had also been obliterated. From the city, it would look as if an umbrella covered the city right now, blotting out the sun and turning day to night.

As expected of an Inferior Legendary Siege Weapon! Its power is truly astonishing! Shi Feng was greatly shocked when he saw Firmament had obliterated the Threefold World Wall.

Although he had known that Firmament, an Inferior Legendary Siege Weapon, was an incredibly powerful weapon, only after seeing it in action did he understand how the Sun Dynasty could tower over the Holy Race's other royal powers in his previous life.

The World Wall was touted as the Holy Race's strongest defensive barrier. Evil Sky City was even protected by a threefold version of it. The Threefold World Wall was a defensive measure that the Holy Race's various powers used to prevent attacks from apex and royal powers. Moreover, they would normally reserve it for Holy City-ranked Guild Cities.

Yet, Firmament's Myth of Light had turned the Threefold World Wall into a joke.

However, after a brief surprise, Shi Feng couldn't help but wince in heartache.

As an Inferior Legendary Siege Weapon, Firmament had only three Profound Skills: Myth of Light, Lakelight Mirror, and Celestial Guidance.

Each of these three Profound Skills was more amazing than the other. The usage cost also increased substantially. The last Profound Skill, Celestial Guidance, even required more players to execute it.

Of the three Profound Skills, Myth of Light had the lowest requirements: 1,000 players to execute; 100 God Crystals or Holy Origin Crystals and five million units of Seven Luminaries Crystal or Holy Power Crystal to activate. If executed perfectly by 1,000 Tier 6 experts, Myth of Light's power could rival a Primordial God's attack.

As for Lakelight Mirror, Firmament's second strongest Profound Skill, it similarly required 1,000 players to execute. However, each activation cost 500 God Crystals or Holy Origi

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