Chapter 947 - New Divine Glory List
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Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Stories Chapter 947 - New Divine Glory List

As the ranking list appeared in the sky, a commotion erupted in the city as many players expressed their disbelief in the placements.

"As expected of the Holy Race. They monopolized the top two spots."

"Sure enough, the human race is weak. Although three human powers are in the top ten, they're ranked seventh to ninth."

"What the hell is up with Zero Wing? It's not even a pseudo-apex power, yet it's ranked ninth?"

When the powers of the three races saw the names of the top ten powers, some laughed in ridicule while others were skeptical. It was especially so for the human race's pseudo-apex powers. They thought they were hallucinating when they saw Zero Wing coming in ninth place.

It was true that Zero Wing's team had two sixth-floor experts and Black Flame, who could repel four Epic Siege Weapons by himself. However, the various pseudo-apex powers still found it unbelievable that Zero Wing could stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Seven Luminaries Alliance and Demon's Gate.

The Seven Luminaries Alliance was one of the human race's most ancient powers. Its foundations surpassed those of the average apex power. As for Demon's Gate, it was an apex power that commanded many experts. Its forces this time were even led by Elise, who had reached the sixth-floor standard. Even so, it only managed to come in eighth place.

In comparison, Zero Wing was a small Guild, and the team it had deployed to the competition was even smaller. Yet, it had surpassed many of the three races' apex powers and secured ninth place in the competition. This outcome greatly shocked the various human powers.

"Ninth?" Lunar River fell silent as she stared at the ranking list.

Originally, Lunar River had expected King's Paradise to enter the top 10, obtaining a Great Lord Token in addition to an Eternal World Magic Array. If King's Paradise could secure a Great Lord Token, it would be able to establish itself in the Eternal Realm immediately. In the end, however, King's Paradise secured only four plots of land. It even nearly lost its fourth plot t

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TL Notes(12th-May-2023):
Uh, I finally have advanced chapters now. There will only be one tier, which is 5$ to read 10 chapters ahead for a month.
If you have money to spare, please give it to me. :)
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