Chapter 922 - Apex of the Three Races
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Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Stories Chapter 922 - Apex of the Three Races

Eternal Realm, Everlasting City:

Everlasting City was like a giant tree that connected heaven and earth. This "tree" had 144 branches, each representing a separate zone the size of an ordinary NPC City. The sight of the city amazed the gathered players.

However, what was even more astounding was how many powers had gathered outside the city. Over a thousand pseudo-apex powers were present, each with at least 1,000 fifth-floor experts, and some even commanding over 2,000 fifth-floor experts.

Nevertheless, despite a combined total of over 1.5 million fifth-floor experts under their command, these pseudo-apex powers would only be competing for a few dozen zones. This was because the majority of Everlasting City's 144 zones had already been reserved by the six royal powers and thirty-five apex powers present.

"Commander! This is madness! How can there be so many fifth-floor experts here?! With the current situation, the Eternal Chamber of Commerce will have trouble occupying even four plots of land!" Drifting Bean, a Level 233 Swordsman, said in exasperation as she looked at the various powers' teams gathered outside Everlasting City.

"It will indeed be difficult. We can ensure the safety of only the lands we occupy at the beginning," Endless Scars, a Level 241 Elementalist wielding a celestial staff and wearing a veil, said in agreement. "The number of participating experts is more than double what Eternal's executives anticipated. The two other races are much stronger than the human race. I guess it will come down to who can survive the longest."

When Endless Scars received the order to help the Eternal Chamber of Commerce with Everlasting City's competition, she initially thought it would be a simple task. She even looked forward to the competition.

However, after arriving outside Everlasting City and seeing the teams of the alien races, she couldn't help but be shocked. Whether it was the Holy Race or the Crystallian race, both vastly outnumbered the human race in fifth-floor experts; all of their apex powers had a

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