Chapter 918 - Nineteenth Goddess Tablet
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Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Stories Chapter 918 - Nineteenth Goddess Tablet

Could this be a mistake?

Shi Feng had analyzed Laura's stone tablet using many mana interpretation methods. However, no matter how many methods he applied, the outcome was always the same.

They all pointed to the dilapidated tablet being a Goddess Tablet!

However, this Goddess Tablet wasn't any of the eighteen Goddess Tablets. According to the information he deciphered, this was the nineteenth tablet the Goddess of Space had created long after the Eighteen Goddess Tablets.

At first glance, the stone tablet merely recorded three Golden Laws. In reality, these three Golden Laws were the key to unlocking the biggest secret contained within the Eighteen Goddess Tablets. They also served as a tracker for the Eighteen Goddess Tablets. However, this function cost 10,000 God Crystals per activation and had a cooldown of one natural day.

Ten thousand God Crystals per activation... Even apex powers would choke at this price. Shi Feng stared at the Nineteenth Goddess Tablet in exasperation. Originally, he wanted to contact Laura and ask her about the tablet, but he found that her name was grayed out, indicating that she couldn't be reached. It seems I'll have to find a solution on my own.

The Eighteen Goddess Tablets were indeed of utmost importance to him. They recorded rare and powerful combat techniques and Mana Techniques, and they were likely crucial to his promotion to Tier 7.

Judging by the actions of Ink Crystal's party during the Continental Championship, the Crystallians knew how to advance to Tier 7. They even had a sixth-floor expert long before the Tower of the Abyss was constructed. Yet, never had he heard of anybody from any of the three races successfully getting promoted to Tier 7 in his previous life. This showed that the difficulty of reaching Tier 7 was beyond imagination.

Based on the information he had now, he was certain that sixth-floor experts fully equipped with Divine Artifacts were not strong enough to reach Tier 7. In other words, if he did not find a way to become even stronger, he'd have no chan

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