Chapter 917 - Laura's Gift
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"Of course, if you find that the price is too much, I am willing to settle for just one-third of the Tower of the Abyss's shares." Lunar River quickly amended her words when Shi Feng remained silent. Then, she continued in a confident tone, "Everlasting City's competition will involve all three races living in the Eternal Realm, so its intensity will be unprecedented. Most participating pseudo-apex powers might have trouble occupying even one plot of land, let alone four.

"Although King's Paradise has been operating behind the scenes for quite some time now, we can absolutely rival apex powers. We were only unlucky in timing when we tried to take the next step over half a century ago."

Lunar River was confident that Shi Feng would ultimately side with King's Paradise. This was because the average pseudo-apex power couldn't even make any waves in an all-out fight among the three races, so Everlasting City's competition was destined to be a contest among apex and royal powers.

If Zero Wing wished to survive the Eternal Realm's upcoming disaster, its best choice would be to partner with King's Paradise. Although it also had the option of partnering with one of the Nine Great Pseudo-Apex Powers, their asking price would be much more excessive.

In fact, Lunar River was certain that Shi Feng already knew why the Nine Great Pseudo-Apex Powers hadn't taken action against Shadowring Town thus far. It was because they were waiting for the upcoming Void Beast Tide to destroy Shadowring Town and give them an opportunity to occupy the Tower of the Abyss for themselves.

"The Void Beast Tide, is it? That is indeed troublesome." Shi Feng nodded. The monsters of the Void Beast Tide came from the depths of the void, so they had incredibly high levels. This was something he had witnessed in his previous life. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call the Void Beast Tide an apocalyptic disaster. Subsequently, he smiled at Lunar River and asked, "Miss River, may I know how your Guild compares to a royal power?"

"A royal power?" Shi Feng's

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