Chapter 96: Lifeline
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 96: Lifeline

When Jiang Cheng and Fatty sneaked to the fourth floor and opened the door to the music classroom, they were surprised by what they saw. From the outside, the room was perfectly dark. However, looking in, the inside of the room was showered with a dim light. 

Fatty peeked further into the room. He found the source of the light. The whole wallpaper was brutishly peeled away to expose… the giant mirror behind it. The light poured out of the mirror and into the classroom. The two slightly opened their eyes.

A great performance was being held inside the mirror. The leading girl on stage stood on tip-toe and swayed gracefully. Her dance was dreamlike but lively. More than ten dancers twirled around her. Some were clumsy, while others were agile. They all worshipped her.

The strangest thing was that there was no sound. It felt like they were watching a silent film. Compared to the prima donna, the dancing skills of the accompanying dancers were hard to describe. One of them was a middle-aged man with a gut belly. His giant size didn’t match the style of ballet at all. 

As he turned around, Fatty’s pupils shook.

Zhou Taifu…

Even though the blood on his chin had dried, the giant wound was still looking ghastly. Fatty moved his stiff neck to look down the row. The once-lively faces were as emotionless as death. The woman in the qipao, Long Tao, Luo Yi, Zhen Jianren, Zhou Taifu, and… Zhang Yinyin!

Zhang Yinyin was dead. It was clear who the other survivor was. However, no one really cared about that then because they saw that Xu Wen was already seated under the stage, being one of the two audiences of this performance. The other was the bloody Su Yu. Of course, they were also in the mirror world, the world from… ten years ago. 

Fatty’s mouth hung open for a long time before he squeezed the sentence out, “So… this is real third rehearsal…” This was not a question but a confirmation. 

Jiang Cheng watched the absurd performance in the mirror. A few seconds later, he walked forward. Fatty hesitated and followed him. Whe

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