Chapter 95: Questions
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 95: Questions

The music classroom was located on the fourth floor of Block C. Standing there, they could see the windows of the music classroom or the former dance classroom once they raised their heads. Maybe it was psychological, but it felt different when they returned to this place.

“Fatty,” Jiang Cheng didn’t enter the building directly. He stared at the dark Block C and said, “I believe the third rehearsal is the end of our time limit. If we figure out the truth, we can end the mission.” He added, “By that I mean… our mission.”

Fatty couldn’t help but ask, “What about the other people’s missions?” Then, Fatty felt like it was too vague, so he clarified, “I mean… What about the missions for people like Su Yu… and the ghost?”

Su Yu’s mission was easy to understand. It was to stop the travellers from finding out the truth, escape the ghost and then survive. What Fatty was curious about was… Was Su Yu’s mission time limit different from theirs?

“Do you remember what the woman who led us to the hostel at the start of the mission said?” Jiang Cheng provided a hint.

“Do you mean the anniversary?” Fatty widened his eyes. “Is that when Su Yu’s mission will end?”

“That will explain why Chen Yao hasn’t killed him until now. Compared to taking revenge, she cares more about her reputation. She will pick a suitable time to expose the truth, and I can’t think of a better time than during the anniversary.” Jiang Cheng resumed, “Of course, Su Yu will die after that.”

Fatty figured out many things that confused him before. He took a long time to digest the information. “Doctor, is that why you said earlier that… no matter what we do, whether we are here or not, we can’t affect the results that have already occurred in this world. What we can influence is limited to the process. In other words, no matter if we complete our mission or not, Su Yu will die to Chen Yao in the end,” Fatty paused with a worried face. A few seconds later, he said, “And that death will happen during the school anniversary.”

“Indeed.” Jiang Cheng’s lips curle

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